Friday, April 10, 2009

Let's get it started

The instructions are simple. Go to the comment section. Using your word verification word, come up with a definition for it. If I like it, I'll post it on the main page.


Samsmama said...

I don't have a word verf...

Samsmama said...

Ok, I got one after I typed my comment, but couldn't go back to make a funny about it. Get this worked out, because I am DYING that you did this!

garrito said...

Does it work now with the pop-up?

Samsmama said...

"Messim", it sure does!!!

garrito said...

Go ahead, write the first ever Verifunny definition and I'll post it up front. Make sure it's good. No pressure.

jessica o said...

Comse - v.blend of come and see. Comse wassup at Garritofu's new blog.

jessica o said...

Cundea - n. The funk that lingers around the nethers after day sex.

garrito said...

Keep 'em cumming.

Samsmama said...

"Engrish word verf OTD."

"Fratur" as in, "I can't belive how frat u r".

garrito said...

We may be onto something here.

jessica o said...

I want part ownership. Just sayin'.

Infrac - n. When you start to do something wrong and stop yourself.

garrito said...

Hell, you started it. Come'n'get it.

Stuart said...
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