Friday, April 10, 2009

I love Samsmama long time


Samsmama said...

Great, another thing to be addicted to.


As in:

Love you, Garritonator

garrito said...


I'll be back...

...with more Verifunny posts Monday.

Bev said...


word verif: bless. WTF? That's a real word. No fair! :p

Harmony said...

LMAO @ Bev w/ bless...real words matter too Bev.

garrito said...

Not a problem. Simply hit reload until you find one you like!

And thanks for becoming Follower #1!

garrito said...

Right, Harmony, but you have to conjure up a new meaning for the word. Thank you for becoming #2!

Samsmama said...

I feel like such a douche. I leave the first comment (or 4) and don't think to follow? Fuck!

Matter Of Fact Mommy said...

i'm #3 and now i'm just stressed at the concept of having to come up with "funny" every motherfucking time i comment.

but i love you guys!

word verf = emistson, ...

garrito said...

MoFM: Stress is why they invented alcohol. Take a sip, relax, and apply gentle finger to keyboard.

emistson. What does it SAY to you?

The bastard offspring of Mr. Emist, perhaps?

Yep, Samsmama, you screwed the pooch on that one. Take solace in knowing that when people look back on this in 10 years -- and they will! (delusions of grandeur much?) -- yours will still be the first comment.

Harmony said...

A new meaning for the word Bless?

Word Ver: Flarty; a fart from a rather large person. fart+lard=flarty "Dude, did that big bitch just drop a flarty?"

Flarty; Flair Party...for those pesky over achievers.

garrito said...

Harmony, if you could remove that first "Bless" line and resend, I will gladly post Flarty. (It'd just look so much better without those extra words.) Grazie!

Harmony said...

Word Ver: Flarty; a fart from a rather large person. fart+lard=flarty "Dude, did that big bitch just drop a flarty?"

Flarty; Flair Party...for those pesky ass kissing overachiever(s).

Bev said...

pigierm: A medical condition in which the skin takes on a slightly hairy and pink quality reminiscent of the skin of a swine.

garrito said...

Thanks, Harmony!

garrito said...

And Bev!

Matter Of Fact Mommy said...

pepar: "pepper" spoken with an italian accent, a la Adam Sandler in his famous SNL "pepper boy" skits - "would you like da pepar?"

Word Verifunny FAIL!